Home help and support services

At Buzzin Bees Home Support Service, we can provide a comprehensive range of home help and support services to our customers in Wellingborough, Kettering and across the surrounding areas. Get in touch with us for more details.

Help where you need it or recovering from an operation or ill health.

Are you an older person, or someone with a specific disability that makes it more difficult to clean, do your weekly shop and get your laundry done?…

we work closely with you & your family members to ensure you receive the best service to meet your current needs.

…If so, then Buzzin Bees Home Support Service could be exactly what you are looking for. We work closely with family members and care agencies to meet your needs…

Home help & support

…Our support is provided by a
conscientious, friendly team who would do the chores your finding difficult or impossible to do and to take away the stress from you,your family and friends.

Keeping you safe

Our staff are DBS checked and fully insured, clients are scheduled to have the same cleaner and time each week. If our cleaner cannot get an answer when they visit, we will contact the name emergency contact to ascertain the client whereabouts and safety. Client key or key safe numbers are securely kept. staff carry identification badges.

We can provide home help and support for older and disabled people in Kettering, Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. Contact us today on 01933 225 636

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